A pair of old
husband and wife half the equally busy with the business feel tired with the bustle in the capital. They decided to holiday in Bali. They plan will occupy the back room of the hotel that same hotel when they did their honeymoon 30 years ago. Due to busy, the
husband must first fly and his wife follow tomorrow day.
After check-in at the hotel in Bali, he immediately sends email through
computer with internet available in rooms. With
joy he wrote to his wife
intercommunication email that are in her office in Jakarta. Unfortunately, he send an email to his wife with wrong address, without aware he still send email.
In other places, in the area of Bandung, a woman just returned from the funeral her husband who recently died. Arriving at home, she immediately check
email to read the greeting condolence. Recently finished reading the first email, she was not immediately aware of unconscious self. her first
Child shock and then read the email and then not long he fell unconscious
too. Email it read:
To: My
beloved wife
Subject: papa up Ma!
Date: 14 August 2008
I know you can be surprised but
happy news from me. In fact here they are pairs of the internet as well, though we can send a news to those beloved home. I am just come and have to check-in. They said, they also have to prepare everything for you that will come tomorrow. I can not
wait for your coming. Hopefully your journey to come here also fun as I
travel today.
Love you mam, Papah
PS: Here again-summer heat. If you want to, children are also invited.